Smart Liberal and Female

Military and Veterans Start to See Blue

Finally.  This is a phenomenon that I have wondered about for a long long time.  Why and how did the Republican Party get such a boost from the military and our nation’s veterans?  It’s not like more Republicans have served than Democrats, but the military members and veterans kept voting Republican.  It’s almost like they kept expecting the Republican Party to have their back, all the while many of them were screwing them daily. 

I was appalled in 2004 at the attacks on John Kerry and Max Cleland.  Both men served valliantly in Vietnam.  Hell, Max gave three limbs for his county yet the Republican Right questioned his patriotism time and time again.  It galled me greatly to see Saxby I didn’t serve a day Chambliss question Cleland’s ability to stand up for his country.  I kept shouting at the tv, “Hey asshole, he doesn’t have any legs because he ALREADY stood up for his country.”  Or when George “W”here the Hell was I Bush and the Swift Lying Ass Boaters raised questions about John Kerry and his service.  Even more of an irritant was the ever bloating and pill popping Limbaugh making such allegations.  That fat piece of shit avoided the war due to a boil on his ass.  How’s that for irony? 

Now, I’ll never make the claim that you have to serve in the military to prove you are a patriot.  Hell, you can teach, join the Peace Corps, become a police/fire/EMT, or just about anything else to better your country to show your patriotism.  Try exercising your right to vote, now that’s some patriotism!  But, man oh man, do I start getting hot when someone hints I am not a patriot because I question the government or don’t believe the same things they do.  I usually turn and say, “I picked up a gun and served my country asshole, until you do the same, SHUT THE HELL UP!”

I’m thrilled to see the military and other veterans voting for Democratic candidates.  All I can say is, took ya long enough!

Poor Poor Sarah
November 9, 2008, 8:20 pm
Filed under: election 2008, Uncategorized | Tags: , , , ,

Is it just me, or is anyone else amused by how the Republican Party is eating its own?  For years I’ve been appalled by the methods they have deployed with their win at all costs campaigns.  However, the tide seems to have turned and they are no longer eating only Democrats for lunch. 

They are devouring Sarah Palin.  Fingers pointed here, fingers pointed there.  She’s the reason they lost accusations are dominating the news cycle.  Uh, no.  No she’s not, but she certainly didn’t help. 

She’s called her attackers cowards and jerks.  Well hello…that’s your BASE!  Enjoy.,8599,1857724,00.html


Okay so I’ll admit, I’m torn between exasperation and amusement as names for the Republican ticket are tossed out for 2012. Exasperated because, well, I’m over it. The election just ended and we are already talking about campaigning again?!? UGH! Amused…well…lets face it I’m not sure what the Hell Republicans are thinking right now!

We’ve all read that Sarah Palin is a possibility. Now I can think of a number of reasons why that’s amusing, but I’ll limit myself to three: 1.) She is not ready nor qualified, and in my opinion may never be; 2.) She’s far too polarized – likes small government when it comes to personal choices, but you betcha she LOVES those earmarks; 3.) Soon she’ll be about as memorable as Dan Qualye (seriously-what do we remember him for? Not being able to spell potato. What will we remember her for? I’d say her $150k-maybe more- wardrobe.)

I just read Robert Novak pimp Newt Gingrich for a 2012 run in the Washington Post. Now Mr. Novak admits grudgingly that it could be a long shot, but are you kidding me?!? This is the guy with the “Contract On America”…oopsi, meant “Contract With America”. Nah, I really meant Contract On America. This is also the guy many believe was responsible for such partisan fighting and petty grudges the government ended up being shut down. It’s been alledged he was pissed about being ignored on a flight. Do I need to go into his personal life? Hmmm…I shouldn’t but I will. Why? Well because he’s had such a good time ripping the Clinton family, you would think he’d lead an exemplary life. But guess what, he hasn’t! He left his first cancer stricken wife for wife number two, but all’s fair in love and war right? Needless to say he left her as well after having an affair with wife number three! So Newt, before you launch anymore morality attacks take a good hard look in the mirror. On a side note, wife number three may be stuck with him because I can’t think of anyone who’d want to see him naked!!

If they asked me, I’d say find a good message and you may find a good candidate. I somehow doubt any of them will be asking for my opinion!

Conservatives Blame Moderate Republicans for Loses, HUH?

Or so says the right wing nut job Tony Perkins from the Family Research Council. He urges conservatives to get back to small government….of course unless you are talking about my body, my choice, my sex life, my marriage, or prayer!

Watch Christian leader Jim Wallis give him the what for… God forbid Christians focus on poverty and helping people rather than spreading hate and fear and bigotry.

Rahm Emanuel Accepts

Barack Obama names his Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel. Great choice. He’s tough, savy, and knows how to get things done. Many give him credit for the huge gains in the House and Senate in the 2006 elections.

Apparently John Boehner, House Minority Leader and Congressman from Ohio, doesn’t like the pick. Hmmm…too damn bad. It’s not your choice to make. You didn’t win. I don’t recall the Bush and the Republicans consulting with the Democrats prior to his selection. I’m all for partisanship, but this is ridiculous. Besides I’d say Boehner has enough things to worry about without taxing himself over Obama’s Chief of Staff!

What is Wrong with Alaska??
November 5, 2008, 6:52 pm
Filed under: election 2008, Uncategorized | Tags: , , , ,

Okay.  Seriously.  WTF is wrong with the people of Alaska.  And I’m not talking about the people who voted for Mark Begich.  I mean you really gotta hand it to Republicans in Alaska.  You just elected a man convicted of seven, I repeat seven, charges of violating federal ethics laws.  Well done.

And I haven’t even mentioned Sarah Palin…  Need I say more?!

Not Elizabeth Dole too!

I am so sick of this type of politics.  I am okay when a candidate comes after another candidate on policy.  That makes sense.  What I don’t get is this type of crap that has risen to a whole new level for this election.  Republicans hinted at pandora’s box in 2000 with Al Gore.  They broke the seal in 2004 with John Kerry and Max Cleland.  Remember the Swift Boat I’m full of SHIT Vets (as a vet myself I find them particularly repugnant) and the Max Cleland the Coward ads?  Do I need to remind everyone how much Max gave his country in Vietnam…probably.  But this election takes the cake.  It’s like they shook the box and then ripped the lid right off.

So far we’ve had “real America”, “real Virginians”, “real New Yorkers”, and lets not forget Obama the Muslim Arab that palls around with terrorists.  What’s next?  Well apparently Kay Hagen, Democrat running for Senate in North Carolina, is now Godless.  Did Elizabeth Dole get together with the stick shrew Ann Coulter?  Remember her lovely book Godless, the Church of Liberalism?  CRAP.  And I don’t know about all of you, but I always envision myself stuffing cheeseburgers down Ann’s throat after I’ve shaved her head!!

I disappointed in Elizabeth Dole to say the least.  I thought she had far more class than that.  And while I haven’t always agreed with her policies, I will say I always respected the woman.  For shame.

McCain’s Full of Crap and so is His Campaign!

Apparently the Obama Campaign as well as the McCain Campaign were in Pennsylvania today.  McCain’s political director Mike Duhaime (you may remember him from the failed Giulliani campaign) claims that Democrats are reaching out to other Democrats and leading them to John McCain.  He also alleges that bus loads of Dems came in from New Jersey and New York to see John McCain. 

Well Duhaime, I’m calling your bluff.  I say you are full of shit.  I’m calling you a liar!!  But hey, you seem to be a great loser, so keep on with your big bad self. 

I’m also amused by what the McCain campaign is trying to sell for health care.  Individuals will get a $2,500 tax credit and families will get a $5,000 tax credit to purchase insurance.  Uh, too bad you can’t buy health insurance for that, unless you are talking a simple major med policy, which only covers catastrophes not routine visits or medication.  But whatever, I know you don’t deal in facts now do ya??? 

I also would like to point out the campaign has not been toting they plan on taxing the health insurance you get from your employer.  Jeez guys, that’s great.  Lets give the wealthy more tax cuts and tax the shit out of me. 

That’s right working class middle Americans, John McCain and his fellow Republicans want to tax your health care!  While Barack Obama is talking about middle class tax cuts, John McSame wants to screw you some more!!!

Thanks, but no thanks Senator McCain, I’m going to vote for Obama!!!

Obama: Not IF He Wins…but how BIG of a WIN!!

I’m sure I’ve mentioned it before, but one of my favorite websites is Charlie Cook’s.  That is where I go for goord analysis.  Not biased self serving analysis, but well thought out coverage.  I only wish he’d update and post more.  I’m greedy what can I say.  I, however, am not going to jail for my greed like the good Senator Stevens may be.  Okay, that was a cheap shot, but still fun and that’s what matters most…my enjoyment.  And while I enjoy the Cook Political Report for its unbiased content, I’ve never claimed to be unbiased myself and it’s my blog so get off my ass already!

Now Charlie Cook has not said in anyway the election is over.  He has merely pointed out it would take something huge for McCain to win.  He has also predicted 7 Senate seats for the Dems and 20 House seats. 

Both would be great, but hey I’m greedy, I want 9 Senate seats and 30 House seats.  Just to show I can be not greedy, I’ll take 9 Senate seats and 20 House seats.  Then my people can tell Joe I’m a Real Asshole Lieberman to take a flying leap!

That Beautiful Magical Number: 60

60.  The new 20.  No, not really, but a pretty great number if the Democrats can make it happen.  Imagine it, we get Barack Obama and Joe Biden in the White House…but that’s not all we have for our winners Johnny, we’ve got a clear majority in the Senate.  Sixty seats!  This is where the crowd goes wild!  We also have a growing majority in the House of Representatives.   

Whoo hoo baby.  Good times are coming.

What seats are up for grabs?  How do we get to 60?  I’m glad I asked!  Let me tell you!

Democrats are leading or gaining in…

New Mexico:  Tom Udall leading Steve Pearce in this once held Republican seat

Alaska:  Mark Begich tied up with incumbent Ted I’m a Crook Stevens

Colorado:  Mark Udall beating Bob Schaffer in another open formerly Republican seat

North Carolina:  Kay Hagen is giving incumbent Elizabeth Dole a run for her money.

New Hampshire:  Jeanne Shaheen is giving incumbent John Sununu Hell.

Minnesota:  Al Franken is knocking down incumbent Norm the Worm Coleman

Oregon:  Jeff Merkley has another incumbant in trouble, Gordon Smith

Georgia:  Jim Martin is gaining on Saxby I’m a Real Jackass Chambliss

Kentucky:  Bruce Lunsford gaining on Mitch McConnell is the best place for your personal blog or business site.