Smart Liberal and Female

Holly and Alyssa on Meet the Press…

Not not really!  The Ashburn Connection (local paper) covered the Hillary Clinton rally for Barack Obama at George Mason University last night and we were interviewed!  Pretty exciting, right?  Well probably only for us (and maybe family)!

My husband sent me the article…I asked him if I sounded like a loon and he said, “No, more like Meet the Press.”  So thanks Tomasaurus for the catchy headline idea!

Change: Coming to a Theater Near You

So I just got home from canvassing a neighborhood in Springfield, Virginia.  Today was probably the roughest day I’ve had while out knocking door to door.  First off, hardly anyone was home.  Second of all, I was deep in McCain territory, although I am in “fake Virginia” so go figure.  Third of all, there was a McCain rally just up the road and it had just let out!  UGH!!

So I found a few Obama houses, some had already voted!  YAY!  Then I hit a few houses I was supposed to knock on that McCain Palin yard signs.  I knocked gingerly and waited to see what I was going to get.  They were all pretty nice about it, so that’s good. 

I came to a house with no signs and knocked.  A man came out to tell me what a liar Obama was and this and that.  He went on and on.  So I marked him down as a McCain supporter.  Then he got a little pissey.  So as I walked away he got louder.  I finally turned around and said, “Like it or not, change is coming to a theater near you soon!”  Petty and stupid, yes.  But I gotta say, it made me feel better!!

If you haven’t already, get out there!  Make calls.  Knock on doors!

Another Big Rally for Obama
October 26, 2008, 8:31 pm
Filed under: election 2008, Uncategorized | Tags: , , , ,

Is it just me or has Obama become bigger than a rock star?  100,000 people came to hear him speak in Colorado.

Gone Rogue…or Gone Sarah??

So apparently there is more angst and concern in the McCain-Palin Campaign.  Sarah is apparently crafting her own message at times. 

Will the real Sarah Palin please stand up?  Or maybe sit down, and shut the Hell up.  From what I’ve seen I’m not impressed.  I’m not impressed with her handlers.  I’m not impressed with her.  I’ve watched her fumble through an interview with Katie Couric.  I mean seriously if the fluff ball of news can rattle your cage maybe you are in the wrong field.  No offense intended Katie.  I’ve watched her explain to 3rd graders what a Vice President does…and God knows those kids teachers for the next ten years are going to have a hard time setting them straight.  I’ve watched her simply appear at a Vice Presidential debate where she said little to nothing and preened for the camera, yet still got a free pass I might add.  I’ve watched in horror as she leads a crowd down a hateful path, and they respond with hate filled crazy, and she giggles nervously.

The only thing I’m certain she knows is that she’s from Alaska.  Well I say good riddance – take you and your crazy back to Alaska.  They can have you back!

I’m not sure why the McCain people are worried by this.  I mean, yeah, most of us know she’s not ready nor will she ever be ready, but she’s doing exactly what she was picked to do.  Make outrageous statements that incite anger and fear.  Rally the nutballs within the Republican Party.  Pick off some former Clinton supporters…that the Republicans are hoping are too stupid to realize that Sarah Palin has NOTHING in common with Hillary Clinton except sharing a gender. 

I say when you pick crazy, you get crazy.  Thanks John!

WOW!! 30,000 Gather in Leesburg, Virginia
October 22, 2008, 9:50 pm
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Well, this is going to have to be a quick post as it is nearly past my bed time!!  They were expecting around 10,000 to attend the event in Leesburg, Virginia tonight, but over 30,000 were there!  It was amazing.  Electrifying!  So exciting to see that many people who felt just like I did…that Barack Obama should be our next President of the United States. 

It was fantastic.  Mark Warner and Governor Tim Kaine did fantastic introductions.  Then when Obama got there the crowd went wild!  I held my daughter on my shoulders so she could see it!  I on the other hand got a glimpse here and there as I tried to see over the sea of heads!  The crowd also loved that we were recognized as REAL VIRGINIANS!

I’ve got pictures!  But they’ll have to wait untill tomorrow to go up!  I gotta say not bad for Virginia, be it real or fake!

Obama in Not so Real Virginia…or is it???
October 21, 2008, 9:59 pm
Filed under: election 2008, Uncategorized | Tags: , , , , ,

So…Senator Obama is speaking tomorrow in Leesburg, Virginia.  Now I’m pretty sure that’s not part of real Virginia, but what the Hell maybe it is.  Who knows at this point where the real and fake Virginia borderlines are and where they meet.  And really come to think about it, do they meet?  Just need to clear with the boss that I can take the time, and then go yank my daughter out of school so she can come with me.  And yes, I am pulling my child out of school to go.  Some things can’t be learned at a desk!  I’m off with Holly (friend that went to VCU Rally with me), her daughter, and mine.  Should be a good time. 

I’ve decided I’m going to try to explain to the girls (7 and 8 years old) that they do not live in the real part of Virginia.  This should make for good conversation.  I’ll post tomorrow with pics!!!

Bill Clinton rallies Team Obama at VCU

Okay.  So my friend Holly and I headed to Richmond last night.  We were very excited.  We listened to some great music on the way down.  Got passed by a Suburban with horrible bumper stickers (Vote McCain not Hussein).  Got stuck in traffic clear to Woodbridge!  UGH!  If you’ve ever travelled the 95 you know exactly what I am talking about!  Got to Richmond, found the venue (thank God), parked and walked up. 

I’m not sure how many were there, but it seemed like a lot.  The energy was very positive!  Bill Clinton clearly spoke to the fact that Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are on the same page and same team.  TEAM OBAMA.  He talked about the fact that Obama “gets it”.  Can I also say that guy is like a rock star, people were clamoring to get to shake his hand.  Okay, okay, so was I!!

Then after the rally we went to stand on the street across from the McCain people.  “Yes We Can” and “Obama” were the chants of the night.  I’m not sure what the McCain people were saying, but there was one guy yelling, “Ask for forgiveness.”  I have no idea what that was all about!  I also saw some other veterans.  Which is always exciting for me.  We had a few people on our side want to go “negative”.  We quickly discouraged that.  My argument for staying positive is… RIGHT IS ON OUR SIDE, WE ARE WINNING!

There is just no need to engage in unhealthy behavior.  My friend Holly summed it up pretty well, “Would Barack Obama be proud of your behavior right now?”  That’s a pretty good barometer for people attending rallies.  We pretty much quelled any negativity and stayed on message. 

Below is a link to me at the rally.  I’m the nutty blond holding the sign, “When Women Vote Democrats Win.”  I have to say it was a great night!! is the best place for your personal blog or business site.